Hey everyone! I have some good news and some “meh” news. Let’s get the latter out of the way first, shall we? 🙂

Ashley and I have decided to close this blog down… at least for now. We just feel like it is for the best because neither one of us is able to properly dedicate enough time to a second blog aside from our own.

We hope you understand that this does not mean that we will not be posting photos based on prompts. We still want to continue doing so (the good news!), just on our own blogs. We would love for you to participate as well, whether it be through Ashley’s or my blog. 🙂

So, this is us saying…

… and…

love, erin

*all photos found on weheartit

Deena and Joe were a fun couple to work with. I hope to work with them a lot more!

I want to take this time to apologize for not being around much since we have started. I really want to include everyone and make this fun for all who want to be involved. I promise to make a better effort. I would love for those who want to be regularly involved, to send us an email at 3ofakind.photoblog@gmail.com to let me know. It would really help to know who all really wants to be involved. 🙂 Thanks!


So, my original idea for this prompt ended up not working exactly the way I wanted. Honestly, I pulled this together pretty last minute. I like it though.

Is that enough color for you? 🙂

What photos did you take that involved color this week? Show me! Show me! 🙂


Alright, so I cheated a little! I couldn’t pick a color…so I had to do the next best thing – I chose them all!


Favorite color or just a color you look good in…anything. Doesn’t matter what the subject is, just emphasize the color! 🙂

Can’t wait to see your images – remember, to play along, email us your photos at:

And we’ll be back later this week with our entries!

So, with Spring officially here (sun, rain, sun, rain…I love it!) I’m looking for new ways to wear my hair. I’m letting it grow out and so I need lots of ideas!

(click for sources)

Stay tuned a little later tonight – I’ll be posting this week’s prompt!

(the following were found on weheartit – search words hair & braids)

And…I found this one while looking – it’s a giraffe!! 🙂

Stay tuned a little later tonight – I’ll be posting this week’s prompt!

So, this week was hard for me.

I am my worst critic, so when I saw this week’s topic I couldn’t think of anything to photograph for it. I mean, I know I am decent at a few things. However, it was hard for me to figure out anything I could do besides taking a picture of my reflection taking a picture (OVERDONE!).

The other day, Will and I were heading to the store and I decided to be silly and take some goofy photos of myself. While doing that, I came up with this idea. It worked perfectly for this week. 🙂

So here it is: Being hard on myself and holding myself to my standards is something I am good at. 🙂

What about you??

– erin

p.s. There is still time to get your photos to us for our weekly photo post. I will post the photos on Monday! If you want to participate in a prompt, just send you photo(s) to 3ofakind.photoblog(at)gmail(dot)com with a little description and we will post it! 🙂

You know what I do well? Weird. Totally.

I’m the one making weird, random noises or talking myself through my accounting job. I get excited over buttons, ribbons, or just bright colors. Gummy bears make my heart soar. I’ve learned to take life with a grain of salt – it’s no fun if you’re not having fun, right?

PS – We now have an email address where you can send your photos for the challenges! If you would like to play along (and have your photo posted the following Sunday), just email your photo at :


I don’t care what you think… We are all good at something.

So, show us. 🙂

This week’s prompt is “Something you are good at.” We look forward to seeing what you all share!

– erin

* All photos found on weheartit.

Today, it is icy, cold, and rainy in Springfield. It makes me a little sad. However, I refuse to let it keep me uninspired. I turned on my Broken Bells Pandora station and opened up weheartit. I don’t always go to this site, but it is so pretty and perfect for finding Spring photos. 🙂

I thought I would share a few of the pretty ones that have shifted my mood to a more positive one and have inspired me to keep truckin’. But first…

This one made me giggle. I can’t tell you how many times I have had my face resting on the ground while taking a photo. I hope no one has ever captured me like that!

These make me happy! This also makes me happy:

The first photo sent to us from this lovely lady! She sent us this photo for week 2’s prompt. If any of you participate and would like us to post your photo on the blog, please send your photos to erinsundayphoto@gmail.com along with a little description to go with the photo and a link to you. We really want others to participate with us! 🙂

Alright, I will be back later with next week’s prompt. For right now, I have some work to accomplish!

– erin