Today, it is icy, cold, and rainy in Springfield. It makes me a little sad. However, I refuse to let it keep me uninspired. I turned on my Broken Bells Pandora station and opened up weheartit. I don’t always go to this site, but it is so pretty and perfect for finding Spring photos. 🙂

I thought I would share a few of the pretty ones that have shifted my mood to a more positive one and have inspired me to keep truckin’. But first…

This one made me giggle. I can’t tell you how many times I have had my face resting on the ground while taking a photo. I hope no one has ever captured me like that!

These make me happy! This also makes me happy:

The first photo sent to us from this lovely lady! She sent us this photo for week 2’s prompt. If any of you participate and would like us to post your photo on the blog, please send your photos to along with a little description to go with the photo and a link to you. We really want others to participate with us! 🙂

Alright, I will be back later with next week’s prompt. For right now, I have some work to accomplish!

– erin